Moscow  - St.-Petersburg,

22 - 28 July 2017
Nonlinear Dynamics
and Complexity
Lasers with High Peak
and High Average Power
Nonlinear Problems in the Atmosphere and Ocean
Board of Chairs
Henrik Dijkstra, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Alexander Feigin, Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Russia
Julien Fuchs, CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, France
Efim Khazanov, Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Russia
Juergen Kurths, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany
Albert Luo, Southern Illinois University, USA
Evgeny Mareev, Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Russia
Catalin Miron, Extreme Light Infrastructure, Romania
Vladimir Nekorkin, Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Russia
Vladimir Rakov, University of Florida, USA
Alexander Sergeev, Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Russia
Ken-ichi Ueda, Institute for Laser Science, the University of Electro-Communications, Japan