Information Desk

The PLENARY talks will last 50 minutes (discussion included). The INVITED talks - 30 minutes and, the ORAL talks - 20 minutes.
Posters should be not larger than A1 format (60x90 cm), portrait orientation.
All the lecture halls will be equipped with PC with presentation projector for Power Point presentations (MS Windows 98, 2000, XP and MS PowerPoints 2000 or higher, no Makintosh will be available).
If you use movies in your presentation it may be useful to bring the used codecs with you to install in case of a problem.
Participants are strongly advised to have their presentations on CD, or USB FlashDrive as it will be difficult to use personal notebooks because of a very dense program and lack of time.
We are sorry if this causes you inconvenience.
Voltage standard in Russia is 220 V/50Hz.

Useful information

Nizhny Novgorod is the 4th largest city in Russia with a population of 1.3 million, and
is the administrative center of the Nizhny Novgorod region and of the Volga Federal District,
which covers 14 regions and republics of the Russian Federation. Nizhny Novgorod
covers an area of 260 square miles along the riverbanks of the Volga and Oka Rivers.

Nizhny Novgorod is situated about 250 miles east of Moscow and is easily accessible
by an overnight train or by air.

The climate of Nizhny Novgorod is similar to the climate of Moscow.
The weather in Nizhny Novgorod in July is typically warm (sometimes hot), with daily temperatures ranging from 20 to 30 C. Rain is quite possible.   

The Russian payment and monetary unit is ROUBLE.
Foreign currency is not accepted. One can exchange foreign currency in the cities.

The American dollars and the Euros are the most widely accepted currency all over Russia.
Traveller's cheques can be cashed at the commission of 2 or 3% (available only in major cities and not at every bank).
One gets the equivalent in roubles at the current purchase exchange rate of the bank where he or she is cashing the cheque.

Credit cards are relatively widely accepted in Russia (VISA or MASTER CARD are preferable). Payment with a credit card may sometimes incur a surcharge of a couple of per cents, so make sure you know if there are surcharges before you decide to run your card.
Credit cards will not be accepted on board.

Simple Rules to Follow During the Trip

  • KEYS: Please, leave your keys at the reception when you leave the ship and go sightseeing. Take your keys from the reception right after you come back: a key at the reception means that not everybody is on board and the ship cannot leave.
  • BADGES: Organizing Committee would appreciate your wearing badges all the time during the trip to facilitate communication.
  • ELECTRICITY: No heating appliances (hair driers, irons, water heaters) can be used in your cabins. There is an ironing room on the main deck. Hot water is available from boilers on the main deck. Cell phones and notebook computers can be charged at the OC cabin.
  • RADIO: Listen to radio announcements to be reminded about the schedule for the day.
  • E-MAIL: Due to networking problems, the Organizing Committee will guarantee the participants and guests of the Symposium the possibility to use e-mail only when we stay in or pass big cities.
  • RESTAURANTS: Please keep to your table at the restaurants. This helps the crew to serve you faster and more efficiently.
  • VISITING MONASTERIES: Women visiting Russian monasteries are requested to wear long skirts and, preferably, head scarves. Visitors, both men and women, wearing shorts will not be allowed in. Long sleeves are appreciated.
  • MEDICAL SERVICE: Medical assistance will be available on board.

OC cabin number: 119
Emergency phone of the Organizing Committee: 89107945697

Information for Russian participants
При оформлении командировки в служебном задании писать следующее:
Иногородним участникам: ИПФ РАН, Нижний Новгород, участие в международном симпозиуме NWP-2014.
Нижегородцам: Теплоход "Георгий Жуков", участие в международном симпозиуме NWP-2014.