Efim Khazanov, Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Russia
Ken-ichi Ueda,
Institute for Laser Science, the University of Electro-Communications, Japan, Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Russia
Program Committee
Jean-Christophe Chanteloup, Ecole Polytechnique,
John Collier, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK
Sergey Garanin, Russian Federal Nuclear Center, Russia
Thomas Kuehl, GSI and Johannes -Gutenberg Universität, Germany
Gérard Mourou, Institut de Lumiere Extreme, France
Oleg Palashov, Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Russia
Alexander Sergeev, Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Russia
Conference scope
Multi-terawatt laser systems, petawatt-class lasers
High average power laser systems
High energy pump lasers
High intensity beam control and characterization
Focusing systems, coherent beam combining
Highly resistant optical components
Scientific Secretary
Alexander Soloviev
Institute of Applied Physics RAS
46 Ulyanov Str., 603950 Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Tel: +7 (831) 4321441, Fax: +7 (831) 4363792
Invited Speakers

Junji Kawanaka
Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka, Japan |
Ilya Kozhevatov
Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Consideration of the optical scheme of IAP RAS large aperture interferometer for metrology of extremely high power laser facilities elements |
Thomas Kuehl
GSI Helmholtz Center and Mainz University, Germany
The Helmholtz-Beamline laser project at the Facility for Anti-proton and Ion Research (FAIR) |
Xingsheng Liu
Focuslight Technologies and Xi'an Institute of Optics and
Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science
Recent developments in high power diode lasers |

Antonio Lucianetti
Institute of Physics ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic
Status of the HiLASE project |
Gerard Mourou
Institut de Lumiere Extreme, Paris, France |
Ivan Mukhin
Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Cryogenic disk Yb:YAG laser: status quo and perspectives |
Yoshihiro Ochi
Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokyo, Japan
High average power laser from Yb:YAG thin-disk amplifiers and its applications |
Alexander Pirozhkov
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Tokyo, Japan
High-order harmonics from singularities of relativistic plasma (J-KAREN laser upgrade and perspectives) |
Gerd Priebe
XFEL GmbH, Hamburg, Germany
High energy/intensity lasers for HED science at European XFEL |
Jianda Shao
Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (SIOM), CAS, China
An overview of the optical materials and components for SG laser facilities |
Sargis Ter-Avetsiyan
Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology (GIST)
Ion acceleration from relativistic laser plasma

Ken-ichi Ueda
Institute for Laser Science, University of Electro Communications, Tokyo, Japan, Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Russia
Thermal-lens-free ceramic lasers
Zhiyi Wei
Insitute of Physics, CAS, Beijing, China |