2-9 August, 2005
St.-Petersburg � Nizhny Novgorod,

The organizers of the Symposium thank the participants for the interest in NWP-2005 and the activity in all the related events.

The Symposium included three parallel Topical Conferences:

NWP-1 Nonlinear Dynamics: Theory and Applications
Chairs: Rodolfo Llinas (USA), Vladimir I. Nekorkin (Russia), Carlos Perez-Garcia

NWP-2 High-field Laser Physics
Chairs: Radii I. Ilkaev (Russia), Roland Sauerbrey (Germany), Alexander M. Sergeev

NWP-3 Nonlinear Phenomena in Environmental Research
Chairs: Georgy S. Golitsyn (Russia), Mark A. Donelan (USA)

and three Workshops:

Adaptive Optical Systems and Nonlinear Dynamics
Convenors: Oleg Antipov (Russia),
Sergej Flach (Germany)

Scaling, Multifractals and Coherent Structures in Geophysics
Convenors: Juergen Kurths (Germany),
Eugene Mareev (Russia)

Asymptotic Models of Nonlinear Phenomena and Their Applications
Convenors: Andrey Lebedev (Russia),
Lev Tsimring (USA)

The wide scope of the meeting attracted nonlinear scientists from different countries and stimulated numerous active discussions and links between scholars.
The cruise boat "Georgy Zhukov" housed over 300 people from around the world:
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Croatia, The Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Germany, Mexico, The Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK, Ukraine, and the USA. 240 presentations were made: 200 oral (plenary, invited, or contributed talks) and 40 poster presentations. The presentations were made by both renowned experts and young researchers who are only beginning their carriers and were happy to have the brilliant opportunity to meet well-known scientists and discuss problems in diverse fields of nonlinear wave physics.

Selected talks of NWP-2005 will soon appear in the SPIE Proceedings.

The next symposium on topical problems of nonlinear wave physics is scheduled for 2007 and will be announced in due time.