NWP - 2 High-field Laser Physics 
Preliminary Program

Radii I. Ilkaev (Russia)
Roland Sauerbrey (Germany)
Alexander M. Sergeev (Russia)

Program Committee
A.A. Andreev (Russia)
O.L. Antipov (Russia)
A. Betin (USA)
B. Chichkov (Germany)
M.V. Fedorov (Russia)
S.G. Garanin (Russia)
S.V. Garnov (Russia)
Ch. Joachain (Belgium)
S. Kawata (Japan)
L.V. Keldysh (Russia)
E. A. Khazanov (Russia)
G. Mourou (USA)
A.V. Okishev (USA)
C. Rulliere (France)
A.P. Shkurinov (Russia)
Ch. Spielmann (Germany)
J.S. Wurtele (USA)

Scientific Secretary
Mikhail Ryabikin
Institute of Applied Physics
46 Ulyanov Str.
603950 Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Tel: + 7 (8312) 164953
Fax: +7 (8312) 363792
e-mail: mike@ufp.appl.sci-nnov.ru

Conference scope

Generation of laser radiation with extreme characteristics
Nonlinear optics of powerful laser systems
Fundamental atomic and plasma processes in high-intensity optical fields
Extreme states of matter
Attosecond physics
Applications of strong laser fields for new waveband generation,
material fabrication, environmental and biomedical research

Invited speakers

O.L. Antipov, Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Advanced powerful solid-state lasers with dynamic holographic cavity

J. Caillat, Vienna University of Technology, Photonics Institute,Vienna, Austria
Probing electronic dynamics with attosecond XUV pulses

T. Catunda, Instituto de Fisica de Sao Carlos, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Carlos, Brazil
Refractive index changes in solid-state laser materials

B. Chichkov, Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Hannover, Germany
3D photofabrication with femtosecond lasers for applications in photonics and biomedicine

T. Damm, Lambda Physik AG, Goettingen, Germany
Excimer laser technology - applications and trends

E.M. Dianov, Fiber Optics Research Center at General Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia
High-power CW fiber lasers in infrared wavelength range

T. Ditmire, The Texas Center for High Intensity Laser Science,
University of Texas, Austin, USA

The design and applications of the Texas Petawatt Laser

F. Dorchies, CELIA, CEA - CNRS - Universite Bordeaux I, Talence, France
Ultra-short X-ray source from laser-clusters interaction

M. Frede, Laser Zentrum Hannover, Germany
High-power-laser system for gravitational wave detection

A. Fotiadi, Service d'Electromagnetisme et de Telecommunications,
Faculte Polytechnique de Mons, Belgium
Pulsed fiber lasers with Brillouin mirror

Y. Fukuda, Advanced Photon Research Center, JAERI, Kyoto, Japan
Investigations and applications of relativistic plasmas from micron-sized rare gas clusters irradiated by ultrashort laser pulses

D. Gapontsev, IPG Photonics, Oxford, USA
Recent progress in high power fiber lasers

S.G. Garanin, Russian Federal Nuclear Center - All-Russian Research Institute for
Experimental Physics, Sarov, Russia

Russian megajoule laser system "Iskra-6". Creation, study and parameter optimization
of the basic module "Luch"

S.V. Garnov, A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia
Ultrafast spectroscopy and interferometry of femtosecond laser-gas-breakdown microplasma in nano-picosecond time-domain

Sh. Hayashi, Kawase Initiative Research Unit, RIKEN, Wako, Japan
Terahertz wave parametric sources

M. Kalashnikov, Max-Born-Institut fur Nichtlineare Optik und Kurzzeitspektroskopie,
Berlin, Germany

High peak power Ti:sapphire lasers: temporal contrast and spectral narrowing issues

T. Kawashima, Hamamatsu Photonics K.K., Shizuoka, Japan
Thermal management of high energy diode-pumped solid-state laser for
inertial fusion energy and high-field applications

E.A. Khazanov, Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Nizhny Novgorod,
Russian Federal Nuclear Center, Sarov, Russia
Petawatt laser project in Russia

V.I. Konov, A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia
Plasma effects in deep microhole drilling by ultra-short laser pulses

V. Kovalev and R. Harrison, Harriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
CW SBS in fibers: new results and applications for high power lasers

V.P. Krainov, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow, Russia
Electron heating in overdense plasma irradiated by relativistic femtosecond laser pulses

E. Lefebvre, CEA/DIF/DPTA, Bruyeres-Le-Chatel, France
Numerical modelling and applications of laser-accelerated particle beams

M. Lein, Max-Planck-Institut fur Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany
Attosecond physics with small molecules

B.J. MacGowan, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, USA
The National Ignition Facility

S.S. Mao, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, USA
Making nanowire nanolasers with ultrafast laser ablation

W. Marine, CNRS, Marseille, France
Femtosecond laser synthesis of nanosized and nanostructured materials

P. Mulser, Technische Universitat Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
The physics of collisionless absorption and particle acceleration by superintense laser beams

P. Martin, DSM-DRECAM Service des Photons des Atomes et des Molecules, CEA Saclay, France
Laser-solid interaction in the ultra-high-intensity regime: coherent and incoherent processes

T. Omatsu, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan
High quality ultra-fast lasers using a phase conjugate mirror

M. Ostermeyer, University of Potsdam, Germany
Spectral properties of laser oscillators with nonlinear SBS-mirror in the ns and ps-domain

T. Remetter, Department of Physics, LTH, Lund, Sweden
Recent results on generation and application of attosecond pulses

C. Rulliere, CEA/CESTA, Bordeaux, France
Petawatt Laser Project in Aquitaine: characteristics and last developments

A. Savel'ev, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Effect of surface cleaning on fast ion ionization and acceleration under femtosecond laser-plasma interaction

A.M. Sergeev, Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Highly efficient, tunable sub-100 attosecond pulse production by electron wave packet detached from excited atom or molecule

A.P. Shkurinov, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Pulsed terahertz spectroscopy

R. Smith, Imperial College, London, UK
High energy density cluster plasmas - towards scaled astrophysical blast wave experiments

E. Sorokin, Photonics Institute, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
Spectroscopic applications of broadband infrared solid-state lasers

I. Sorokina, Photonics Institute, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
Ultrabroadband infrared solid-state lasers

Ch. Spielmann, University of Wuerzburg, Germany
Time resolved soft x-ray spectroscopy using high harmonic radiation

U. Stamm, XTREME Technologies GmbH, Gottingen, Germany
EUV lithography - current state of the art

S. Stepanov, Centro de Investigation Cientifica y de Education Superior de Ensenada, Mexico
Physics and applications of population gratings in Er-doped fibers

T. Taira, Laser Research Center for Molecular Science, Institute for Molecular Science,
Okazaki, Japan

The promise of laser ceramics as high power systems

K. Ueda, Institute for Laser Science, University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan
Toward the next generation solid state lasers

K. Vodopyanov, Ginzton Lab., Stanford University, USA
Periodic GaAs and its applications for tunable mid-IR and THz wave generation

P. Willems, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA
Nonlinear optical effects in the LIGO gravitational-wave interferometer

J. Wurtele, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, USA
Future X-ray FEL sources

Preliminary Program (NWP-2)


August 2


Registration of participants


Departure from St.Petersburg




Welcome party

August 3





Arrival at Valaam






Departure from Valaam






Plenary session

Leon Chua (USA), Local activity is the mathematical genesis for complexity

Lev Ostrovsky (Russia-USA), Some problems of wave interaction in hydrodynamics and acoustics

Jonathan Wurtele (USA), Future X-ray FEL sources


Coffee break



Fundamental atomic and plasma processes in high-intensity optical fields – I

Y. Fukuda (Japan), Investigations and applications of relativistic plasmas from micron-sized rare gas clusters irradiated by ultrashort laser pulses
(I 25 min)

R. Smith (UK), High energy density cluster plasmas – towards scaled astrophysical blast wave experiments
(I 25 min)

F. Dorchies (France), Ultra-short x-ray source from laser-clusters interaction
(I 25 min)

A.Ya. Faenov (Russia), High-resolution X-ray spectromicroscopy of plasma irradiated by femtosecond laser pulses
(C 15 min)

Ph.A. Korneev (Russia), Landau damping in laser-irradiated nanoparticles
(C 15 min)

V.P. Krainov (Russia), Relativistic electron heating at the irradiation of overdense plasma by a super-intense femtosecond laser pulse
(I 25 min)





Fundamental atomic and plasma processes in high-intensity optical fields – II

P. Martin (France), Plasma diagnostics and coherent generation of X-UV radiation from laser-solid interaction
(I 25 min)

N.E. Andreev (Russia), Ka generation by a femtosecond forsterite terawatt laser system (I 25 min)

A.B. Savel'ev (Russia), Effect of surface cleaning on fast ion ionization and acceleration under femtosecond laser-plasma interaction
(I 25 min)

V.M. Komarov (Russia), Some results of experiments for laser plasma proton source for radiography
(C 15 min)



Evening program:

Georgy Golitsyn (Russia)
Some events of the Russian history and culture according to the family stories  


August 4





Fundamental atomic and plasma processes in high-intensity optical fields – III

P. Mulser (Germany), The physics of collisionless absorption and particle acceleration by superintense laser beams
(I 25 min)

A.N. Stepanov (Russia), Nonlinear effects in propagation of highly intense femtosecond laser pulses in gas-filled dielectric capillary tubes
(I 25 min)

A.A. Andreev (Russia), Generation and amplification of ultra-short light pulses in a strongly coupled regime of the stimulated Brillouin scattering in plasma
(I 25 min)

E. Lefebvre (France), Numerical modelling and applications of laser-accelerated particle beams
(I 25 min)

S.V. Garnov (Russia), Ultrafast spectroscopy and interferometry of femtosecond laser-gas-breakdown microplasma in nano-picosecond time-domain
(I 25 min)


Coffee break



Attosecond physics – I

C. Spielmann (Germany), Time resolved soft x-ray spectroscopy using high harmonic radiation
(I 25 min)

Th. Remetter (Sweden), Recent results on generation and application of attosecond pulse trains
(I 25 min)

J. Caillat (Austria), Probing electronic dynamics with attosecond XUV pulses
(I 25 min)

S.P. Goreslavski (Russia), Ionization by strong elliptically polarized laser field: theory vs experiment
(C 15 min)

V.V. Strelkov (Russia), High harmonic generation and attosecond pulses production in dense medium
(C 15 min)

A.M. Popov (Russia), Ionization of a hydrogen atom by an ultrashort laser pulse and attosecond pulse production
(C 15 min)







Attosecond physics – II



M. Lein (Germany), Attosecond physics with small molecules
(I 25 min)

M.Yu. Ryabikin, A.M. Sergeev (Russia), Highly efficient, tunable sub-100 attosecond pulse production by electron wave packet detached from excited atom or molecule
(C 15 min)

15:40 – 16:25
Young Scientists Session – I

Yu.M. Mikhailova (Russia), High-contrast attosecond X-ray pulse generation in the interaction of few-cycle ultrarelativistic laser pulse with a thin film
(C 15 min)

A.V. Korzhimanov (Russia), Transmission of relativistically strong laser radiation through overdense plasma layer
(C 15 min)

D.S. Uryupina (Russia), Acceleration, ionization and recombination of ions in expanding femtosecond laser plasmas
(C 15 min)


Coffee break









Young Scientists Session – II

S.B. Bodrov (Russia), Phase-matched generation of a terahertz surface wave by a subluminous strip-like optical spot
(C 15 min)

I .N. Smirnova (Russia), Structural sensitive Raman and THz spectroscopy of cysteine derivatives
(C 15 min)

V.N. Ginzburg (Russia), Study of final optical parametric chirp pulse amplifier of 100 TW laser system
(C 15 min)

M.A. Martyanov (Russia), Beam profiling in 100 J 1 ns Nd:glass laser
(C 15 min)

V.V. Zelenogorsky (Russia), Adaptive compensation of thermally induced aberration in Faraday isolator
(C 15 min)



Evening program


August 5


Arrival at Vytegra






Plenary session

Ken-ichi Ueda (Japan), Toward the next generation solid state lasers

Jurgen Kurths (Germany), Universality in complex network synchronization

Vladimir Rakov (USA), Initiation of lightning in thunderclouds



Riverside outings





Departure from Vytegra



Ultra high power lasers

C. Rulliere (France), Petawatt laser project in Aquitaine: characteristics and last developments
(I 25 min)

T. Ditmire, M.D. Martinez (USA), The design and applications of the Texas Petawatt Laser
(I 25 min)

E.A. Khazanov (Russia), 100 TW laser based on optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification in KD*P crystals
(I 25 min)

V.E. Yashin (Russia), Toward exawatt laser systems: abilities & approaches
(C 15 min)

M.P. Kalashnikov (Germany), High peak power Ti:sapphire lasers: temporal contrast and spectral narrowing issues
(I 25 min)


Coffee break



Laser National Programs

B.J. MacGowan (USA), The National Ignition Facility
(I 40 min)

S.G. Garanin (Russia), Russian megajoule laser facility Iskra-6. Creation, investigation and parameter optimization of basic module Luch
(I 25 min)

T. Kawashima, R. Yasuhara (Japan), Thermal management of high energy diode-pumped solid-state laser for inertial fusion energy and high-field applications
(I 25 min)





High energy solid-state lasers


D. Gapontsev (USA), Recent progress in high power fiber lasers
(I 25 min)

M. Frede (Germany), High-power-laser system for gravitational wave detection
(I 25 min)

T. Taira (Japan), The promise of laser ceramics as high power microchip laser
(I 25 min)



Evening program


August 6


Arrival at the town of Goritsy












Departure from Goritsy



and terahertz

K. Vodopyanov (USA), Periodic gallium arsenide and its applications for tunable mid-IR and THz wave generation
(I 25 min)

I. Sorokina (Austria), Ultrabroadband infrared solid-state lasers
(I 25 min)

O. Antipov, O. Eremeykin et al. (Russia), Mid-IR parametric oscillator based on ZnGeP 2 crystal pumped by a 2.1 mcm laser beam
(C 15 min)

S. Hayashi (Japan), Terahertz wave parametric sources
(I 25 min)

A.P. Shkurinov (Russia), Pulsed terahertz spectroscopy and spectrochronography
(I 25 min)

V.V. Kubarev (Russia), The Novosibirsk terahertz free electron laser
(C 15 min)

M.I. Bakunov (Russia), Cherenkov radiation of terahertz surface waves by a superluminal optical spot
(C 15 min)


Coffee break



"Adaptive optical systems and nonlinear dynamics"

in parallel with Poster session

V.P. Lukin (Russia), General model of an adaptive optics system. Performance in the presence of dislocation
(C 15 min)

Yu.V. Sheldakova (Russia), Genetic and hill-climbing algorithms for high power laser beam correction
(C 15 min)

V.E. Zavalova (Russia), Novel results of high power laser beam control by means of adaptive optics
(C 15 min)













Poster session

S.I. Ashitkov (Russia) S.I. Ashitkov (Russia), Melting and ablation threshold in Si and GaAs, excited by infrared femtosecond laser pulses

S.I. Ashitkov , A.V. Ovchinnikov (Russia), Interaction of intense femtosecond laser pulses with iron clusters

O.N. Eremeykin (Russia), Electronic component of refractive index changes in intensively pumped Yb-doped laser crystals

G.I. Freidman (Russia), Numerical modeling of parametric amplification of broadband pulses to petawatt level

V.A. Malinov (Russia), 50 TW upgrade of the PROGRESS-P CPA Nd:glass laser facility

I.B. Mukhin (Russia), Random nature of thermal depolarization in laser ceramics

P. Palyanov (Russia), Solvated electron at the light of femtosecond laser interaction

P. Palyanov (Russia), Study of femtosecond laser interaction with gold nanoparticles embedded in dielectrics

M.Yu. Ryabikin (Russia), High-order harmonic generation in light molecules: moving-nuclei semiclassical simulations

R. Yasuhara (Japan), Face-cooled and edge-insulated multi-disk Faraday rotator for high peak and high power

A.P. Zinoviev (Russia), Superluminal light propagation through diode-pumped Nd:YVO 4 crystal





Lasers with nonlinear mirrors

M. Ostermeyer (Germany), Transient properties of a laser oscillator with nonlinear SBS-mirror emitting pulse trains in the ns and ps-time domain
(I 25 min)

O.L. Antipov (Russia), Advanced powerful solid-state lasers with dynamic holographic cavity
(I 25 min)

T. Omatsu (Japan), High quality ultra-fast lasers using a phase conjugate mirror
(I 25 min)



Evening program


August 7





Plenary session

Evgeny Dianov (Russia), High-power CW fiber lasers in infrared wavelength range

Paul Manneville (France), From spatio-temporal chaos to turbulence in subcritical flows

Vladimir Zakharov (Russia), Dynamics of vortex lines in ideal fluid


Coffee break



Stimulated Brillouin scattering in fibers

V. Kovalev (UK), CW SBS in fibers: new results and applications for high power lasers
(I 25 min)

A.A. Fotiadi (Belgium), Pulsed fiber lasers with Brillouin mirrors
(I 25 min)

A.A. Sysoliatin (Russia), Novel fibers with high SBS threshold
(C 15 min)





Arrival in Yaroslavl









Nonlinear-optical processes in active media and fibers

T. Catunda (Brazil), Refractive index changes in solid-state laser materials
(I 25 min)

S. Stepanov (Mexico), Physics and applications of population gratings in Er-doped fibers
(I 25 min)

A. Efimov (USA), Novel regimes of nonlinear interaction of solitons and continuous waves in photonic crystal fibers
(C 15 min)

A.A. Ivanov (Russia), Photonic-crystal fibres wavelength convertors for nonlinear spectroscopy (C 15 min)


Departure from Yaroslavl





Evening program


August 8





Arrival in Kostroma



of lasers

U. Stamm (Germany), EUV lithography – current state of the art and future development
(I 25 min)

V.I. Konov (Russia), Plasma effects in deep microhole drilling by ultra-short laser pulses
(I 25 min)








of lasers

S.S. Mao (USA), Making nanowire nanolasers with ultrafast laser ablation
(I 25 min)

B. Chichkov (Germany), 3D photofabrication with femtosecond lasers for applications in photonics and biomedicine
(I 25 min)

W. Marine (France), Femtosecond laser synthesis of nanosized and nanostructured materials
(I 25 min)

E.V. Chelnokov (Russia), Two-photon pumped zinc oxide random laser
(C 15 min)

T. Damm (Germany), Excimer laser technology – applications and trends
(I 25 min)

E. Sorokin (Austria), Spectroscopic applications of broadband infrared solid-state lasers
(I 25 min)


Arrival at Ples



Coffee break






Departure from Ples



Dinner party



August 9





Sponsor session

Sponsors, Presentations

Plenary session
Dmitry Trubetskov (Russia), World Year of Physics: important dates of nonlinear dynamics


Coffee break




Plenary session

Phillip Willems (USA), Nonlinear optical effects in the LIGO gravitational-wave interferometer

A.C. Yalciner, Boris Levin (Russia), E.N. Pelinovsky, The 2004 huge tsunami in the Indian Ocean: facts, recording and simulations



Closing session





Arrival in Nizhny Novgorod




Visit to the Institute of Applied Physics